Tranquility Massage Therapy gift vouchers are the perfect gift for family and friends. We have two options for purchasing gift vouchers - online or paper vouchers.
Online vouchers
Simple steps to purchasing an online gift voucher:
1. Check our prices for treatments.
2. Click on one of the four gift voucher colour options below.
3. Click on one of the three fixed price voucher options ($110, $125 or $180) or alternatively, choose your own amount with our fourth voucher option.
4. ​​Complete your details, the recipient details and nominate voucher delivery (via email or printed by you). If you choose email, you can have the voucher delivered immediately or at a later date of your choosing.
5. Complete your purchase.
6. Both you and the recipient will receive an email confirmation with a copy of the voucher.
You can choose to pay with either PayPal, credit card or debit card.​
​​​Paper vouchers
If you'd prefer a paper gift voucher directly from Tranquility Massage Therapy, please contact us on 02 9526 8242 or 0418 236 412 to arrange for payment and postage or local delivery.
*Vouchers are valid for three years, are strictly non-refundable and cannot be claimed under the Private Health Insurance Scheme.